Why subscribe?

I’m Erik Hersman, I’ve built a number of software and hardware companies in Kenya, built a large tech hub, funded some companies, and helped create a lot of the frameworks for the ecosystem that now runs across the continent. I know a lot of people and track a lot of what’s going on in the world of tech in Africa.

So, what is happening across the tech landscape in Africa? So much that it’s hard to filter it all. I’m going to write about the interesting bits that I know about, and also some of the work that I’m doing.

I’ve been writing since 2005 on this stuff, running events, helping people get their companies going, and so have a pretty great network that spans from Nairobi and Kampala to Lagos and Cape Town and beyond.

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Tell me what the interesting happenings are that I should know and write about, and also if there is a specific area of interest that needs some coverage.

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Where Africa and technology collide!


Tech entrepreneur in Africa, CEO at Gridless, (past: iHub, BRCK, Ushahidi, Savannah Fund, Gearbox, etc.). I used to write all the time. Now I write randomly about African tech issues that I've been thinking about.